Microalgal Cultivation Techniques

Currently, microalgal cultivation in large scale has been limited.

Biofilms are different life forms where microorganisms grow attached to substrata.


Microalgal biofilms: A further step over current microalgal cultivation techniques


The scientific community has turned its interest to microalgae lately, because of their countless applications such as wastewater treatment and pharmaceutical industry.

Nevertheless, so far applied cultivation methods are still prohibitive. Ordinary cultivation techniques in which microalgae are suspended in liquid medium suffer from many bottlenecks, such as low biomass productivities, difficulty in biomass harvesting and recovery, high installation and operating cost, high water requirements etc.

Although, microalgal biofilms are known to be a nuisance because of surfaces fouling, they have emerged as an innovative technology with which microalgae are developed attached to a solid surface. This technique seems to be advantageous as compared to conventional cultivation systems.

Microalgal biofilm systems could resolve the problematic aspects of ordinary cultivation techniques such as low biomass productivities, water management and biomass recovery. A detailed description of this technique with respect to the parameters affecting them is reviewed in this work.

Antonia Mantzorou, Filippos Ververidis

  • Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology Group, Biological and Biotechnological Applications Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
  • Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology Group, Biological and Biotechnological Applications Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, School of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Heraklion, Greece

Keywords: Microalgae, Suspended cultivation systems, Biofilms


Currently, microalgal cultivation in large scale has been limited.

Biofilms are different life forms where microorganisms grow attached to substrata.

Biofilms could resolve the bottlenecks of suspended cultivation systems.

Microalgal biofilms: A further step over current microalgal cultivation techniques

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