[Free Download] Bio-mitigation of CO2 Using Microalgal Systems

Microalgae  can be cultivated on non-fertile land with unit CO2 fixation capacity 10–50 times higher than terrestrial plants. Production of food, feed, fine chemicals, and biofuels from microalgal biomass could further enhance the benefits of microalgae-based CO2 fixation.

Bio-mitigation of carbon dioxide using microalgal systems: Advances and perspectives

Microalgae consist of a group of highly diverse and fast-growing microorganisms, capable of photoautotrophy, heterotrophy, and mixotrophy. They can be cultivated on non-fertile land with unit CO2 fixation capacity 10–50 times higher than terrestrial plants. Production of food, feed, fine chemicals, and biofuels from microalgal biomass could further enhance the benefits of microalgae-based CO2 fixation.

This present review is aimed to gain understanding how microalgae assimilate different forms of carbons and provide a comprehensive overview of the current advances in utilizing microalgae for CO2 fixation, with focus on strain screening and improvement, mass cultivation practice, and effects of environmental and nutritional factors on CO2 fixation performance.

Economic viability, challenges and perspectives of microalgae-mediated CO2 biomitigation are also discussed.

Research reported in the literature has demonstrated that many microalgae strains are capable of assimilating inorganic and organic carbons from concentrated and non-point sources.

Many of the current microalgae cultivation operations can be adopted for applications tailored to carbon sequestration.

Wenguang Zhou (a, b,*), Jinghan Wang (c,e), Paul Chen (c), Chengcheng Ji (a), Qiuyun Kang (a), Bei Lu (a), Kun Li (a), Jin Liu (d,**), Roger Ruan (b,c)

(a) School of Resources, Environmental & Chemical Engineering and Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Environment and Resource Utilization, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China
(b) MOE Biomass Engineering Research Center, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China
(c) Center for Biorefining, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, 1390 Eckles Ave., Saint Paul, MN 55108, USA
(d) Institute for Food and Bioresource Engineering and Department of Energy and Resources Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China
(e) Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control State Key Joint Laboratory, School of Environment, Tsinghua University,
(*) Corresponding author at: School of Resources, Environmental & Chemical Engineering and Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Environment and Resource Utilization, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China.
(**) Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (W. Zhou), [email protected] (J. Liu).Beijing 100084, China


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